D-REK is Bluetooth enabled

Yes you read that right. Today started at 4am my mother and I made our way to a very familiar place.  The pre-op area of a hospital to get ready for surgery at 8am. I met my nurse she was awesome especially at putting in a large I.V. that was used for getting blood and administering meds. She used some co2 spray on my arm before it and I didn’t even feel it. Then the surgical team arrived with the best cardiologist I’ve even known. Dr. Bryant you are awesome. We talked about the procedures and possibility of a defibrillator implant. That automatically scared me so all those cool little monitors started to run wild. They called for a quick echo. They were looking at heart strength. That’s not where most people would gauge that, but he’s a cardiologist. So off we went into the wild or imaging lab whatever you want to call it. I moved over to procedure table and have lights and 6 tv’s above me the tv block was on a movable arm so I was looking for a remote. I’ve never been able to watch six tv’s at once. So my favorite person the anesthesiologist comes over and tells me she just gave me something to induce sleep. A oxygen mask was placed over my face and I’m instructed take deep breaths. 5 deep breaths later I wake up back in pre-op room I was in earlier. It’s only 11am I should have been out longer……something didn’t go as planned. The nurse quickly rushes to me and explains that the pacemaker was replaced but due to narrow airway they couldn’t get all 4 procedures done. This actually meant I got to go home and come back in a month for a cardiac ablation, which is outpatient. I’ll be on blood thinner pills which comes with getting blood drawn weekly. I’m just glad to be home, and with a Bluetooth enabled pacemaker. I just had to download a app on my phone to send reports to doctor.  2018 is wild 2 months in and I’ve been upgraded.

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